Mierda Loco Two

For those who are new to the world of Aldo and Me, we occasionally adopt our alter ego super hero personae to get off our butts and have an actual adventure, maybe even alter some reality if we feel like it. Aldo has some mega biscuits stolen from Illuminati secret laboratories and I have a magic pencil that belonged to Robt. Crumb. I bought it on Craig’s List. I have a flying lap board too. So let’s get back to our story.


It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…

I should have a lot more Christmas Spirit in Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico  than in Monte Rio, CA,  because it definitely looks a lot more like Bethlehem in Baja, with the desert, palm trees, and goats and sheep and donkeys everywhere. I need to go exploring around town to get with it I guess. They always have an impressive crèche at the Centro Cultural and maybe I could risk sticking my head in at the Mission. It’s been a while since I’ve been in church though. I might need an exorcism first. Anyway I’m posting this now and coloring it later. or not. You could color it if you have some time during the holidays. Go ahead, you know you want to.EPSON MFP image