Watching the River Flow

Actually the reasons I draw are many and varied, not the least of which is to get a chuckle out of my family and friends and dozen or so fans who follow us. It also gives me a sense of identity in my senescence. Now I am Cartoonist Michael, formerly known as Teacher Michael, formerly known as Movie Michael, and there are the more minor Michaels: Pillow Stuffer Michael, uh…most of the rest are decidedly unflattering. Any way the sense of being is cherished by this old citizen as he begins to fade into the woodwork. Also art is fun and the possibility that you may create something that is significant to someone somewhere on some level is encouraging, as if an obsessed person needs encouragement. Art keeps me off the streets and limits my opportunities for aggressive antisocial behavior. Actually I have grown seriously unable to handle my desire to cartoon. I feel like a cockroach in a cartoon cocoon. Help……EPSON MFP image


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